Contract Position: Receptionist

Reports to: The Rector

Position Repurposed and Effective: 

Hours: Part-time (12 hours) with no benefits


Primary: Responsible for clerical work, including answering the telephone, responding to emails, making printed copies, filing printed and electronic documents, editing and sending weekly electronic newsletter, sending the weekly voice broadcasting service, and being present in the church. These responsibilities are done in collaboration with the Rector, Wardens, and Treasurer.

General Duties

Facilities and property

·      Work strategically with Junior Warden and Sexton to ensure clean and well-functioning facilities and property

·      Report and request maintenance and repairs as needed

·      Keep records for purchases and use of columbarium and memorial garden spaces

·      Managing office equipment (copier, computers, postage system, etc.)


·      Producing and printing material, including worship service bulletins

·      Edit and send weekly electronic newsletter via Constant Contact

·      Compose and send the weekly voice broadcasting service via PhoneVite

·      Receive and distribute parish correspondence

·      Update parish membership records and enter data into ACS or similar software