
We are the hands and feet of Christ through our outreach efforts.

Saint Ambrose witnesses the transformational power of the Holy Spirit through work via our outreach ministries focused on the environment, education, food insecurity, and empowerment.

Our Outreach Ministries


Saint Ambrose is committed to Environmental Justice in the Southeast Raleigh community. 

In the late 1990s, a group of parishioners at the St. Ambrose Episcopal Church envisioned a way to bolster the community’s spirit: clean up Walnut Creek – a black community that the city had be dumping sewage into for 60-70 years. In addition to volunteering to coming together to reverse the damage of decades of environmental racism in our community, St. Ambrose Episcopal Church executed a capital campaign for numerous upgrades to improve our ecological footprint as a church property.

Learn more about our Environmental Justice Outreach.


One Church, One School (OCOS) is a partnership between Saint Ambrose Church and Fuller Elementary School to support efforts in achieving excellence in education.

One Church, One School (OCOS) began in 2013 as an outreach ministry to our neighborhood school. Our belief is the success of students can be tremendously improved by the involvement of churches to provide support and to enhance the quality of education through tutoring, mentoring, teacher appreciation or other identified needs.

Learn more about our Educational Outreach.


Saint Ambrose is committed to community engagement in Southeast Raleigh. 

Through our engagement ministries, we’ve actively supported Meals on Wheels, Habit for Humanity, Wake County Foster Care’s  Backpack buddies program, and St Augustine’s University Chapel. Additionally for 30 years, we supported the Helen Wright Center, an emergency shelter for women, by cooking and providing hot meals for their guests.


Saint Ambrose works with various organizations to empower our community.

We encourage our congregation to work in and around our community to help it thrive. We’ve participated in community organizing with One Wake, IAF, Partners for Environmental justice, Walnut Creek Partnership and more.

Ready to discover your new church home in the Triangle?

Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church is a welcoming community that gives worship to God, receives wisdom from God, and works alongside God to move the city of Raleigh.