Our Ministries
At Saint Ambrose, stewardship is a year-round celebration of giving our time, talents, and treasure in praise of the wonderful blessings God has bestowed upon us. Careful reflection and commitment of time and gifts are important ingredients for spiritual growth. To that end, we have outlined the many ways in which parishioners can offer themselves to this parish.
Adult Formation
Strengthens the faith and spirituality of adults through Sunday and weekly classes, seasonal programs, and special ministries
- Sunday Adult Education Forum
- Faith Formation Wednesdays
- Weekly Bible Study Groups
- Advent and Lenten Quiet Days
- Vacation Bible School
- Home Communions
Congregational Care & Welcome Ministry
Coordinates welcome and congregational care ministries
- Ushers
- Hospitality
Pastoral Care Ministry
Reaches out to those in our parish and community who are in need
- Eucharistic Visitors
- Care Givers Support Group
- Flower Ministry
- Absalom Jones Prayer Ministry
Worship Ministry
Coordinates the essential aspects of worship service, including acolytes, readings, vestments, vessels, flowers, and ushers
- Acolyte Ministry
- Altar Guild
- Usher Guild
- Eucharistic Ministry
- Flower Ministry
- Lector Guild
- Verger Ministry
- Dance Ministry
Music Ministry
Coordinates the music program for the parish for all services, special music programs, choral and instrumental concerts
- The Saint Ambrose Choir
- Children’s Choir
- Men’s Day Choir
- Women’s Day Choir
Parish Life Events
Spiritual events that enhance and augment parish life
- Advent Festival (1st Sunday afternoon in Advent)
- Advent Evening of Jazz Concert (1st Thursday in December)
- Christmas Program
- Epiphany Feast of Lights and Twelfth Night Party (January 6)
- Parish Annual Meeting (4th Sunday in January)
- Cultural Celebration Sunday (February)
- Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Mardi Gras Party
- Maundy Thursday Agape Meal
- Women’s Day Worship & Celebration (1st Sunday in May)
- FitFest-Fitness Sunday Worship and Lunch (June)
- Youth Sunday Worship & Celebration (June)
- Worship and picnic at Chestnut Chapel at Topsail Beach, NC (July)
- Vacation Bible School (July)
- Homecoming Worship Service (Sunday after Labor Day)
- Twelve Step Recovery Eucharist (September)
- Blessing of the Animals
- Saint Ambrose Anniversary Worship & Celebration (3rd Sunday in October)
- Men’s Day Worship & Celebration (2nd Sunday in November)
Parish Service Ministries
Coordinates the essential aspects of appropriate handling of the monies, readiness of the building and grounds and technology readiness
- Vestry
- Finance Ministry
- Buildings & Grounds Ministry
- Digital Ministry
- Stewardship
Children and Family Ministries
Coordinates enrichment activities throughout the year for the spiritual development of children ages birth through 5th grade
- Sunday School
- Vacation Bible School
Youth Ministry
Exists to nurture students in middle & high school, grades 6 – 12
- Confirmation
- Sunday School
- Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
- Youth Events
- Vacation Bible School
- Diocesan Ministries
- Wetlands Preservation
- Bishops’ Ball
Mission/Outreach Opportunities
In addition to the many opportunities for involvement at Saint Ambrose, parishioners also may choose to serve outside our congregations the following programs
- Environmental Justice
- Wetlands Big Sweep Cleanup
- One Church, One School (OCOS) with Fuller Elementary School
- Habitat for Humanity
- Alcoholics Anonymous (Saturday 8 PM)
- Narcotics Anonymous (Tuesday 7 PM)
- Chess Team Ministry
- Senior Citizen Ministry
- ONE Wake
- The Healing Garden
- Silver Angels Ministry
Parish Organizations
- Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
- Episcopal Laymen
- Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
- Absalom Jones Prayer Ministry
Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church is a welcoming community that gives worship to God, receives wisdom from God, and works alongside God to move the city of Raleigh.
Contact Us
Raleigh, NC 27610
(919) 833-8055