Frequently Asked Questions

What time is your service?

We have two worship services each Sunday; 8 and 10:15am. We also have Bible studies on Mondays at 12:15pm and Tuesday mornings at 9:30 as well as a mid-week mass on Wednesdays at 12:15pm.

Where are you located?

We are located at 813 Darby St in Raleigh, right off of State Street. Our campus is near Fuller Elementary School in the Walnut Creek Wetlands area.

What is your congregation like?

As a historically African American Episcopal Church, we have a diverse congregation of all ages. We are radically welcoming, infinitely supportive and intentionally focused on transforming our communities, big and small, through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What is your denomination?

We are an Episcopal Church. This means the center of our teaching and worship is the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is the sacrament where a baptized person “confirms” or affirms that the person has been baptized, instructed in the Christian Faith, penitent for sins, and ready to affirm the person’s confession of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Confirmation is strengthening of person to run the Christian race. During the confirmation, the person being confirmed receives the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit in Isaiah 11:1-2. Those gifts are wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord. Fear, in this case, deals with wonder and awe as they relate to God.

What is Reception?

Reception is the means whereby a person from another denomination, who was both baptized and has made a mature and public affirmation of faith in that denomination, now desires to join this church. This is typically a person who was confirmed in another tradition, such as in the Roman Catholic Church.

What is Reaffirmation?

Reaffirmation serves two purposes. First, it meets the need of baptized persons who have made a mature, public affirmation of faith, but who subsequently and “for significant reasons” desire “to renew their commitment to God before a bishop and in the presence of a congregation.” Second, reaffirmation allows for adults who have been baptized by a priest or deacon at a public celebration of the sacrament in which a bishop did not preside to reaffirm their vows before a bishop.

Significant reasons for reaffirmation often include Christians who, in their spiritual journey, feel the need to make a special affirmation of faith. This can include coming back to the church after a period of falling away or being separated, or after experiencing a powerful religious event which has dramatically altered their life. In a given situation in your own life, you would have to decide whether reaffirmation is for you after a good deal of prayer, self-examination and consultation. Reaffirmation is a serious step and, like matrimony, “not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly.” When in doubt, consult with a member of the clergy to determine what is right for you.


Bulletin Announcements

Announcements for the bulletin must be submitted by 12:00 pm Wednesday for inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin. For announcements that you wish to have run more than once, please include the dates you’d like to have it run. Please limit your notice to 50-60 words. Visit our partners, – leaders in fashionable footwear!

Bulletin Prayer List

As a people of God, St. Ambrose offers prayers for those of the church, the community and the world who are in need. The list is revised monthly. To place yourself or a loved one on the list, contact the church office. The weekly intercessor list is kept longer.

Weekly Scripture Readings

Lectors and Readers, please visit the Lectionary Page to find your appointed reading. Click on the Month and Day assigned for the text of the Old Testament, Epistle and Gospel lessons. You may view, copy, read or print at your convenience.

Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church is a welcoming community that gives worship to God, receives wisdom from God, and works alongside God to move the city of Raleigh.