Transformation through wisdom with education for a lifelong relationship with God.
We read in Proverbs 3:13-14, “Happy are those who find wisdom, and those who get understanding, for her income is better than silver, and her revenue better than gold.” Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Wisdom of God. The Advent hymn, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, reminds us of this reality in the stanza: “O come, Thou Wisdom from on high, Who orderest all things mightily; To us the path of knowledge show, And teach us in her ways to go.” Christians believe that true wisdom comes from God.
Christian Formation
Christian formation is the lifelong process of growing in our relationship with God, self, others, and all creation. Every experience in our lives can provide us with the opportunity to express our faith; the challenge we face is recognizing these opportunities and learning ways to live a sometimes countercultural life in a secular world.
Children and Youth
St Ambrose offers the following programs in support of the wisdom of our youth.
Godly Play (ages 3-5) Godly Play: hands-on Biblical lessons following the liturgical calendar. More information.
“Weaving God’s Promises” Curriculum – for Grades 1-8:
- Elementary (Grades 1-2)
- Intermediate (Grades 3-5)
- Middle (Grades 6-8)
High School (Grades 9-12): My Faith, My Life: A Teen’s Guide to the Episcopal Church by Jenifer Gamber
Vacation Bible School-July
Urban Ministries, Inc. – A series designed for African American churches
Adult Formation
Sunday Adult Formation
Sermon Cutting Floor-Lectionary based bible study.
A bible study series based on the lectionary readings, including material that is not a part of the Sunday sermon.
Faith Formation Wednesdays
An opportunity for dinner, learning, and spiritual formation. A simple meal begins at 6 pm, suggested donation is $5. Bible study beings at 6:45 pm.
Seasonal Quiet Days: Advent and Lent
A Quiet Day is an organized day for sharing structured space, quiet and prayer with people in order to be quiet together to reflect and take stock of one’s life and spiritual journey. Words, pictures, music, symbols and other things may be included, but the quiet will be the special emphasis throughout the day.
Recommended Resources & Information
- Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina – www.episdionc.org
- The Episcopal Church – www.episcopalchurch.org
- Episcopal News Service – www.episcopalchurch.org/ens
Books About the African American Experience
- Yet With a Steady Beat: The African American Struggle for Recognition in the Episcopal Church by Harold Lewis
- The Black Church in the African American Experience by C. Eric Lincoln
- The History of the Afro-American Group of the Episcopal Church by George F. Bragg
- Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians and Gays in the Black Church by Horace Griffin
- Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman
- The Dream of God by Verna Dozier
- Just a Sister Away by Renita J. Weems
- Stand Your Ground; Black Bodies and the Justice of God by Kelly Brown Douglas
- Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective by Kelly Brown Douglas
- The Black Christ (Bishop Henry McNeal Turner/Sojourner Truth Series in Black Religion) by Kelly Brown Douglas
- What’s Faith Got to Do with It?: Black Bodies/Christian Souls by Kelly Brown Douglas
- What Matters Most: Ten Lessons in Living Passionately from the Song of Solomon by Renita J. Weems
- Sisters in the Wilderness: The Challenge of Womanist God-Talk by Delores S. Williams and Katie G. Cannon
- The Black Church in America: African American Christian Spirituality by Michael Battle
- Bipolar Faith: A Black Woman’s Journey with Depression and Faith by Monica Coleman
- Liberation Theologies in the United States: An Introduction by Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas
- The African American Religious Experience in America by Anthony B. Pinn
- Deeper Shades of Purple: Womanism in Religion and Society (Religion, Race, and Ethnicity) by Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas
- Race: A Theological Account by J. Kameron Carter
Books About the Episcopal Church
Books About The Episcopal Church
- Your Faith, Your Life by Jenifer Gamber
- My Faith, My Life, Revised Edition: A Teen’s Guide to the Episcopal Church by Jenifer Gamber
- A People Called Episcopalians: A Brief Introduction to Our Peculiar Way of Life by John H. Westerhoff
- Looking at the Episcopal Church by William Sydnor
- Welcome to the Book of Common Prayer by Vicki K. Black.
- Welcome to the Church Year: An Introduction to the Seasons of the Episcopal Church by Vicki K. Black.
- Welcome to the Episcopal Church: An Introduction to Its History, Faith and Worship by Christopher L. Webber
- Welcome to Sunday by Christopher Webber
- What is Anglicanism? by Urban Tigner Holmes
- What Makes Us Episcopalians? by John E. Booty
- People of the Way: Renewing Episcopal Identity by Dwight J. Zscheile
- The Church in History by John E. Booty
Books About Christian Spirituality
- A Spirituality of Waiting: Being Alert to God’s Presence in Our Lives by Henry J.M. Nouwen
- Ears to Hear: Recognizing and Responding to God’s Call by Edward S. Little
- Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World by Henri J.M. Nouwen
- Listening Hearts: Discerning Call in Community by Suzanne G. Farnham, Joseph P. Gill, R. Taylor McLean and Susan M. Ward
- Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus J. Borg
- Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
- Sensing God: Reading Scripture With All Our Senses by Roger Ferlo
- Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense by N.T. Wright
- Telling Secrets by Frederick Buechner
- The Active Life: A Spirituality of Work, Creativity and Caring by Parker Palmer
- The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith by Marcus J. Borg
- The Sacred Journey: A Memoir of Early Days by Frederick Buechner
- What God Wants for Your Life: Finding Answers to the Deepest Questions by Frederick W. Schmidt
- Discerning Your Spiritual Gifts by Lloyd Edward
Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church is a welcoming community that gives worship to God, receives wisdom from God, and works alongside God to move the city of Raleigh.
Contact Us
Raleigh, NC 27610
(919) 833-8055