Past Faith Formation Series

Fall 2024
The Seven Deadly Sins of White Christian Nationalism: A Call to Action
This series explores the book written by the Episcopal priest, the Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward. Hear her lecture at the end of the month in-person in Raleigh.

Spring 2024
The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World
Discover freedom in forgiveness. The course will examine Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Rev. Mpho Tutu’s text, the Book of Forgiveness.

Winter 2024
What does reparations look like for St. Ambrose, a Black Episcopal Church? Explore biblical, historical, and cultural events during this series as we as a congregation decide how to respond to our bishops’ invitation to explore this topic during Epiphany and Lent. Join Father Taylor on Wednesdays at 6:30PM
Read our bishops’ pastoral letter on reparations here.

Fall 2023
Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto
“Rest is Resistance” is the Faith Formation Wednesday series. The book claims that rest is a form of resistance that disrupts and pushes back against capitalism and white supremacy.

January 2022
Ain’t No Sunshine: African American Grief
This series explores grief using the book African American Grief by a minister and psychologist. The class will use the book of Lamentations from the Bible and examine the potential effects of slavery, racism, and oppression on the African American experience and conception of death and grief in America. The final sessions will invite people to write their own lamentation or poem of mourning.

Fall 2021
Grief Support: Finding Meaning
“Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief (2019)” is being used as a resource and guide for Wednesday night Faith series, 6:30-7:30 PM. (Note: The book is available paperback, audiobook, and Kindle.) This 12-week Faith Formation offering at St. Ambrose is an opportunity for intentional reflection around grief. Together we will explore the ways that grief and loss impact each of us.

Summer 2021
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. – The Bible According To Black Women
Malcolm X said, “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman.” Singer Aretha Franklin wrote R.E.S.P.E.C.T. as an anthem. This summer series will explore Womanist theology which is a Black woman’s view of the Bible.
Easter 2021
Still I Rise
The power of the resurrection through scripture, literature, and images.
Lent 2021
Journeying with the Stations
Stations of the Cross are an important part of Christian spirituality. The class examined St. Ambrose’s fourteen Stations of the Cross written in the Ethiopian iconographic tradition by D.C. Christopher Gosey. Learn More.
Epiphany 2021
Reading Current Events Through the Prayer Book Lens
The course taught how to “use” the Book of Common Prayer. This study series concentrated on scripture readings giving insight to current events.
Outline resource on how to navigate the Prayer Book.
Advent 2020
Rise Up, Shepherd!
Advent Reflections on the Spirituals The group used the Rev. Dr. Luke Powery’s book.
Fall 2020
Voting and the Bible
The course examined a different scripture where people voted or were given a choice. An example was Pontus Pilate presenting Jesus and Barabbas. The people voted to release Barabbas and execute Jesus. Series included the following passages: Romans 13:1-14; 1 Timothy 2:1-2; Deuteronomy 17:14-20; Exodus 18:17-26; Judges 8:23; Daniel 2:20-21; Daniel 5:1-6:28; I Samuel 8; Acts 15.
Summer 2020
Triple B: Bible, Beverage, and Belief
Community led spiritual conversation, accompanied by a beverage of choice.
Easter 2020
“Locked Door Faith”
Stay-at-home orders during COVID-19 were the reality. The series examined bible stories about people who sheltered-in-place because of circumstances, from Noah’s Ark to Passover to Jeremiah in a well to the disciples hiding behind locked doors after the resurrection. Studied I Kings 17; Acts 12; II Kings 4; John 20
Lent 2020
Signs of Life Society of St. John the Evangelist Series
The group explored the importance and meaning behind the signs and symbols of worship. “Signs of Life: Why Church Matters.”
Fall 2019
Clothed with Power
St. Ambrose’s biblical theme for 2019 was Luke 24:49, when Jesus told the disciples, “you have been clothed with power from on high.” The course examined the gospel of Luke through the lens of power.
Easter 2019
Experiencing Resurrection Today
The group studied the scripture lessons about resurrection and applied them to today.
Lent 2019
My Lord What a Mourning! Sessions on Grief and Mourning.
Session 1 – A Mourning Jesus: Jesus Wept, John 11:35
Session 2 – Methods of Mourning
Session 3 – Mourning Hope: How Children Say Goodbye
Session 4 – A Mourning Community
Session 5 – Mourning Resources
Fall 2018 – Epiphany 2019
I’ve Got the Power!
Studied the book Building a People of Power by Dr. Robert Lithicum and the Book of Exodus through the lens of power.
Lent 2018
Meeting Jesus in John’s Gospel
A series hosted by SSJE and Virginia Theological Seminary. Learn more.
February 2018
The Black Panther Party and The Episcopal Church
Lecture giving the historical connection between the Black Panther Party and The Episcopal Church. Listen to audio recording >
Advent 2017 – Epiphany 2018
The Book of Romans
The group studied the Book of Romans.
Lent 2017
The 5 Marks of Love
This series invited the group to observe and reflect on the ways in which the Divine Life expresses itself in and through us–individually, within our faith communities, in our communities, and in the wider world around us. Modeled after the Anglican Communion’s five “Marks of Mission” (Tell, Teach, Tend, Transform, and Treasure), the group explored how to speak clearly and act truthfully, motivated always by hearts marked by God’s love. Learn more >
Lent 2016
The Cross and the Lynching Tree
The Sunday morning series studied Dr. James Cone’s book, The Cross and the Lynching Tree
The Wednesday night series studied the Sabbath by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel as well as the book Keeping the Sabbath Wholly: Ceasing, Resting, Embracing, Feasting by Marva Dawn.
Fall 2016
Falling in Love with God
The group studied the book Falling in Love With God: Passion, Prayer, and the Song of Songs by the Episcopal priest, the Rev. Tara Soughers.
Lent 2015
What is Your Legacy?
Each week presenters discussed insurance options, funeral and burial planning, wills, power of attorney, funeral worship planning, obituaries, and bequeaths.
Spring 2015
The Book of Galatians
The group studied the Book of Revelation.
Fall 2015
It Was All a Dream
The course studied the book Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language by the Episcopal priest the Rev. John A. Sanford.
Fall 2014
The Book of Revelation
The group studied the Book of Revelation based on the texts.
Lent 2013
“Never Said a Mumbalin’ Word”
The course was taken from the book by the Rev. Dr. Mark Bozzuti-Jones.
Easter 2013
True Resurrection
The course used the text True Resurrection by the Anglican monk H.A. Williams
Advent 2012
The Womb of Advent
The course was taken from the book by the Rev. Dr. Mark Bozzuti-Jones.

Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church is a welcoming community that gives worship to God, receives wisdom from God, and works alongside God to move the city of Raleigh.
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Raleigh, NC 27610
(919) 833-8055